Friday, February 21, 2020


  • Open squirrel image
  • Create copy of background
  • Use the patch tool to remove the squirrels head
  • Open picture of lion
  • Use the lasso tool and get the lions head
  • Move lions head where squirrels head was
  • Add a layer mask to the lions head
  • Erase the background around the lions head until its just the head and mane
  • Resize and slightly tilt so the lions head fits on the body
  • Erase more of the mane to fit better
  • Add color balance to lions head, Mid tones +37 +6 +2, Shadows -1 -1 +18, Highlights +31 0 -10
  • Add brightness and contrast to lions head -17 -50
  • Use smudge tool to make lions mane look like it has hair coming off 
  • Add watermark

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