Thursday, February 27, 2020


  • Open image of Ski and Jasiah
  • Open Pineapple
  • Move pineapple over ski and lower the opacity
  • Line it up so the pineapple in over his face and the stem is on top of his head
  • Remove any pineapple that's not over his skin, unless its over his eyes, mouth or nose.
  • Quick select the stem and copy and paste it so it can have max opacity
  • Open strawberry
  • Move strawberry over Jasiah's face and hands and so the stem is on the top of his head
  • Erase the strawberry the same was as the pineapple was done
  • Now do the same thing to the strawberries steam except this time erase the old stem after you replace it
  • Move stem to a place on his head where it fits nicely
  • Add watermark

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