Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Rhino Cheetah

-open the rhino image, then place embedded the leopard image
-re-position the leopard image to best match the rhino
-add a layer mask to both images
-go to file- liquefy while on the leopard image
-select rhino and turn opacity down to 50% -match leopard skin as best as you can to rhino body
-paint black over the leopard mask to remove the background, and any excess leopard parts
-select the "multiply" blending layer -add Brightness/Contrast layer and adjust as necessary
-use clone stamp to touch up and stretched leopard skint
-touch up any small details using previous steps
-turn down opacity to 80% on leopard layer 
-merge all layers and use quick selection to select animal
-add new background and place it over that
-add blog URL and make something cool with it
-export as PNG

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