Thursday, February 27, 2020


  • Open image of Ski and Jasiah
  • Open Pineapple
  • Move pineapple over ski and lower the opacity
  • Line it up so the pineapple in over his face and the stem is on top of his head
  • Remove any pineapple that's not over his skin, unless its over his eyes, mouth or nose.
  • Quick select the stem and copy and paste it so it can have max opacity
  • Open strawberry
  • Move strawberry over Jasiah's face and hands and so the stem is on the top of his head
  • Erase the strawberry the same was as the pineapple was done
  • Now do the same thing to the strawberries steam except this time erase the old stem after you replace it
  • Move stem to a place on his head where it fits nicely
  • Add watermark

Hairless Melon

-Open hairless cat photo
-Open watermelon photo
-Drag watermelon photo over the cat
-Resize image to fit better
-Lower opacity on watermelon
-Erase watermelon that's only on the background
-Erase watermelon on cats eyes, collar, nose and mouth
-Open up background image
-Lasso tool the cat and move it onto the new background
-Erase anything else that shouldn't be there
-Add watermark

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Rhino Cheetah

-open the rhino image, then place embedded the leopard image
-re-position the leopard image to best match the rhino
-add a layer mask to both images
-go to file- liquefy while on the leopard image
-select rhino and turn opacity down to 50% -match leopard skin as best as you can to rhino body
-paint black over the leopard mask to remove the background, and any excess leopard parts
-select the "multiply" blending layer -add Brightness/Contrast layer and adjust as necessary
-use clone stamp to touch up and stretched leopard skint
-touch up any small details using previous steps
-turn down opacity to 80% on leopard layer 
-merge all layers and use quick selection to select animal
-add new background and place it over that
-add blog URL and make something cool with it
-export as PNG

Friday, February 21, 2020


  • Open squirrel image
  • Create copy of background
  • Use the patch tool to remove the squirrels head
  • Open picture of lion
  • Use the lasso tool and get the lions head
  • Move lions head where squirrels head was
  • Add a layer mask to the lions head
  • Erase the background around the lions head until its just the head and mane
  • Resize and slightly tilt so the lions head fits on the body
  • Erase more of the mane to fit better
  • Add color balance to lions head, Mid tones +37 +6 +2, Shadows -1 -1 +18, Highlights +31 0 -10
  • Add brightness and contrast to lions head -17 -50
  • Use smudge tool to make lions mane look like it has hair coming off 
  • Add watermark

Thursday, February 13, 2020


  • Open animal pictures and background in photoshop
  • Quick select the Cassowary's body and legs and move it into background
  • Quick select Turtles shell and move it to background
  • Quick select Giraffe's neck and head and move it to background
  • Horizontally flip Giraffe's head
  • Resize and move animal parts so they fit better
  • Use sponge tool on shell and a little bit on the neck
  • Add color balance to shell +56 +1 +1
  • Add color balance to giraffe +37 +2 -24
  • Add color balance to legs +59 -7 0
  • Use burn tool to make shadow under animal and bottom part of shell
  • Add watermark

Tuesday, February 11, 2020


  • Open crocodile image
  • Get rid of the background with layer mask
  • Open frog image
  • Move crocodile image over frog and resize head using Ctrl T
  • Use the clone stamp tool to blend the crocodile with the frog
  • Now create an adjustment layer to balance the colors
  • Get rid of the green coloring in his mouth to make it look more real
  • Use dodge tool to lighten up certain parts of crocodiles face
  • Add a custom background
  • Make a shadow under the crocodiles face with the burn tool
  • Add blogs watermark